British Executions

Aaron Jones

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: burglary

Date Of Execution: 7 Dec 1709

Crime Location:

Execution Place: unknown

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Joseph Wells , Aaron Jones & Sarah Pennyfeather , were Indicted for breaking open the Dwelling-house of John Moss in the night-time, and taking from thence a brass Kettle, a brass Stew-pan, and a quantity of Bacon, with other Things, the Goods of the said John Moss , on the 30th of June last. It appear'd that in the night aforesaid, the Prosecutor's House was broken open, and the Goods mention'd taken away; that the next Night, the Prosecutor with one Lamas, going together near Marribone, met a Men with Sacks upon their Backs, and suspecting them, the Prosecutor took hold of Wells, and Lamas endeavour'd to seize Jones, but in the Scuffle was knock'd down by him; Murder was then cry'd out, and People coming to Lamas's Relief, (for he was much wounded in the Head) the Prisoners made their escape; when 1 of the Sacks were open'd the Prosecutor's Kettle was found therein. Timothy Owen (one of their Accomplices) Depos'd, that Bacon was brought to him, and he Shear'd it for them, and that Wells and Jones came that Night to his House in a very great Heat, and being ask'd why they staid so late? made answer, it was well they came at all, and then gave an account of the Fray; Jones, saying moreover, that he believed he had kill'd a Man, for he fell down like an Ox. The Prosecutor being positive that the Prisoners were the Men he took his Kettle upon, and they giving no account how they came by it, the Jury found them guilty of the Indictment ; but the Evidence not reaching Pennyfeather, she was acquitted .

Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 6.0, 10 October 2011), December 1709, trial of Joseph Wells Aaron Jones Sarah Pennyfeather (t17091207-1).